There are many factors that microblading eyebrow pigments may turn out differently than intended. To avoid these issues, permanent makeup artists must be appropriately trained to use the most appropriate microblading pigments. However, fading can be caused by a whole range of factors, and even the most experienced artists cannot always account for all of them.

Getting the color right on brows or lip blush makeup is non-negotiable, so the artists should be using the best products and training to achieve them! So, let’s be sure to use the right microblading pigments!

1. Poor needles and technique

If the pigments are inserted too deeply into the dermis, their color may turn blue or gray. When you are creating or correcting colors, you need to know your pigments’ baseline.

2. Poor microblading pigments color and matching with skin undertone – Base Color

When choosing which permanent makeup pigments to use, knowing the correct base color is essential, as the initial color must blend appropriately with the client’s skin undertone and natural hair color. When you are creating or correcting colors, you need to know your pigments’ base. Browever by Vanessa microblading master in Bellevue, always emphasizes the importance of choosing the pigments and mixing appropriately. Understanding the undertone of your client’s skin is very important, so make sure that the pigments complement your skin’s undertone!

Now, is the right time to have a consultation with Vanessa.